Deer antler workshop
Make something unique for yourself or as a gift!
Our deer antler workshop for groups is available upon request only. Deer antler is excellent craft material and renewing natural recourse!
We welcome you to visit our handicraft workshop to explore the versatile use of deer antlers as a material. With the help of a teacher you will be able to make your very own unique accessory or souvenir. We provide wide selection of tools and materials for the process.
25 €/person/hour for group of 10-15 people in maximum
For bigger groups, please ask for an offer.
The most important thing is an idea or a vison
To save your and teacher’s valuable time, it’s recommended to prepare your idea, searching the web(Pinterest.com for example) using “deer antler crafts” or something similar or mode specific. This way the result will be more as expected. It is not possible to complete a very large project in an hour, but it is possible to refine the finished item to perfection later at home. This can also be part of the plan, because if you sand the antler smooth up to 600 grit and then finish it with, for example, car polishing paste, you get a velvety surface with an incredibly beautiful and marbled shine. It is good to use some small power tools (Dremel etc.) to polish the rough brown surface.

Machines might be a bit dangerous and unfamiliar with these tools people we will teach and help unexperienced craftsmen if necessary. We provide also safety glasses, dust masks and solid aprons to prevent your clothes from fine dust. We have hand saws, band saw, column drill, sander, polishing discs and other necessary items and hand tools available.
Some handicraft ideas:
- keyring
- wrist accessory
- ring
- necklace
- business card holder
- toothpick holder

Attention! Picking up antlers from the territory of Wildlife Park is not allowed.
This handicraft workshop is meant for groups starting from 10 people. Ask for an offer for larger groups.

Since 5th October 2016, our deer antler workshop has been attributed a quality mark called EHE!
EHE – Ehtne ja Huvitav Eesti (EHE – Genuine and Interesting Estonia) is a quality label for eco-tourism that recognizes environmentally friendly and sustainable regional tourist products and services. Such tourist products and services are characterized by genuine experiences and care for heritage.
You can find more EHE labeled products at VisitEstonia.com