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Book wildlife watching safari by your car online!

Dear guest,

A café is open in the Fireplace Hall on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 to 16:00!


Booking the wildlife safari by your car is easy. Before a visit, please get familiar with story and rules of our Wildlife Park. Your tour lasts about 1-1,5 hours and the track is marked with arrows. The length of the observation circle is about 10 km. and there are 5-6 feeding grounds next to it, where red deer gladly gather in poor times for fresh food.


Wildlife watching safari for one car(up to 5 people) 30 €

Wildlife watching safari for one car(up to 7 people) 40 €

Wildlife watching safari for two cars(up to 10 people) 50 €

Wildlife watching safari for two cars(up to 14 people) 60 €

Please insert your car`s registration plate number into extra service window and arrive precisely in time. Confirmation letter will include a link to the MAP, please download it.

Wildlife watching safari by your own car is during the summer season from 15.06 to 20.08 opened with restrictions.

In hot weather, it is more likely to see animals in the early morning or late evening.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the story and recommendations of the Wildlife Park before your visit. We also recommend bringing binoculars and cameras. You can find more information about red deer HERE. The best time to see deer is from fall to spring and especially in winter, because that’s when we feed them.

If you’re lucky, you’ll also see Hubert🦌

Who is Hubert?

Hubert is our “deer king”, who is distinguished from other bulls by his extraordinary crown of horns, where one branch grows downwards. It is not an injury, such horns grow on him every year and more and more magnificent.

Hubert was named in honor of St. Hubertus, who was one of the most beloved saints in the Middle Ages and has been revered ever since as the patron saint of hunters. The legend of St. Hubertus lives on to this day, read more HERE.

Attention! We recommend going through the observation tour at a calm pace and we ask for a respectful attitude towards our residents – not to scare the animals or fly drones, so that the same experience can be enjoyed by the next guests as well. The wildlife park is not a zoo, but an area of ​​wild nature. These are wild animals who decide for themselves when and how much they show up. Picking up antlers from our territory is not allowed. If you want to make a piece of deer antler jewelry for yourself, you can do so with the company at our deer antler workshop.

Booking the wildlife safari is also possible for a group, please contact us writing info@toosikannu.ee or send us a request.


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